The Briefkasten database is built on PostgreSQL and Prisma. The database schema is defined in the /apps/{web,backend}/prisma/schema.prisma
file and is used to generate the database schema and client, as well as Zod schemas for runtime validation of inputs of various kinds.
We intended to ship prisma as its own package in the monorepo and have it be
shared between the web and backend applications, however, due to complications
with Prisma's ESM compatibility, we decided to revert to putting Prisma
directly into both applications. Therefore there are two copies of everything
related to Prisma, including the schema files at
and /apps/backend/prisma/schema.prisma
ERD Diagram
A quick visual overview of the database schema, click to zoom.

The full database schema can be found in the repository under /apps/{web,backend}/prisma/schema.prisma
Prisma comes with a simple data viewer which is available via the npm script
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